At this time, very little is known about our ancestors.  It is hoped that “A Journey Back in Time” will peak your interest and desire to learn more about our roots.  Perhaps a family historian or group can be selected for the purpose of tracing and researching our family history and tree.  This would be no small undertaking given the fact that much of the written record of the African slave trade had been destroyed or lost.  Much of our oral history has been lost to succeeding generations due to the fact that we have not maintained this age old African custom.  However, any bit of information, no matter how minute, could be the key to open the door to more information.

Our family name “Hill” has been traced back to Nathan Hill. Up until now, very little has been known about him. In 1994, at the Birmingham Reunion, we were introduced to Hill descendants who traced their lineage through their ancestor, Square Hill. Bessie Drane of Cincinnati, Ohio, a member of the Square Hill family, has provided information on Nathan Hill. You will note that there are two listings for the offspring of Nathan and Winnie Hill. List #1 has names that appear in our record (Robert and Eliza) over the years. List # 2 is the information compiled by Square Hill Family. Valuable source data and dates have been supplied, perhaps opening the way for further research and authentication. Of course there could have been two different persons named Nathan Hill. It seemed to have been a common name.

The most reliable sources available were the 1880, 1900 and 1910 census records.  The record tell us that   Nathan Hill, Sr. was born sometimes around 1821 in North Carolina. He, like other blacks during slavery was uneducated and toiled on the cotton and tobacco plantations of the south.  Circumstances brought him to Alabama where he met and married Winnie (maiden name unknown).
Nathan and Winnie were married around 1855. At the time, Nathan was 34 and Winnie 22 years old. They lived in Wilcox County, Camden, Alabama.

Picture #1 is Nathan Hill's grandsons, Willie Frank and Eddie Brown Hill.
Picture # 2 is Nathan Hill Jr

      Sons                          Daughters
      Nathan Jr.                   Martha
      William                          Rachel
      Oscar                           Catherine

    Sons                                              Daughters
William (born 1856)              Nettie (born 1861)
     Square (born 1864)             Rachel (born 1862)
     Nathan, Jr. (born 1866)      Marianne (born 1863)
     Tommie (born 1873)            Gertrude (born 1887)
     Robert ( Robert and Eliza Hill Family records place birth date around 1848)

Records show that:
Robert Married Eliza Scott  around the 1870’s
There were 10 offspring.
William married Molly and produced a Son William, Jr. born January 1887
Square married Emily in 1884 and produced 13 offspring.
Nathan Jr. married Susan in 1885. No record of offspring.
No information has come forth on the daughters of Nathan and Winnie Hill.=