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Robert met and married Eliza Scott around the 1870’s Eliza was one of three daughters (the others were Willie and Mary), born to Gracie, fathered by her slave master (name unknown). We know that the slave master deeded 100 acres of land to each of the three daughters (It was not unusual for plantation owners, planters, to will property to their slave offspring). Nearing death, some slave owners either feared God’s wrath or feared for the future of their black children, made provisions for them. However, not all were so caring.
Very little is known about Gracie. We know that she was of African-Native- American descent. She later married Battle Scott who helped raise her daughters. The daughters, Eliza, Willie and Mary married into the Hill, Aaron and Wiggins families respectively.

Robert and Eliza Hill were given 60 acres of Eliza’s inheritance to which 20 acres were added through purchase- total ownership of 80 acres by 1880.

Like many ex-slaves of that time, Robert and Eliza had little or no formal education. They were able to provide for their families by raising most of their own food. They also raised cotton that was probably sold to buy other goods. We know that Robert often drove his horse and buggy into Camden to purchase groceries and dry goods. According to his grand daughter (Iona Hill-Towner) Grand Pa Robert, along with her brother Rex, would leave for Camden early in the morning and return in the evening, It was an all day trip. (Iona and her siblings, children of Robert Jr. lived for a short time with their grand parents

Robert and Eliza after the death of their mother Ella Hill, Robert Jr's first wife.
Robert and Eliza enjoyed excellent health Robert passed in 1940 and Eliza in 1949. Both are buried in St. Wisdom’s Cemetery.
  • Texanna Hill-Archie, born Oct. 5, 1873 in Wilcox County, Alabama: married William Archie.  To this union six children were born. Carrie Archie-Marshall, Dannie Archie-Southall, David, McKinley, Walter and Edgar Lee.
  • Battle Hill-born in 1874 in Camden, Alabama; Battle was named after his grandfather Battle Scott. He married Martha Powell and they had three children: Ervin McBride, Freddie and Nellie Hill- Watson.
  • Rosie Hill-Turner: born in 1883 in Alabama, married sharper Turner in the early 1900’s and moved to California in 1926. Their Children were: Lee, Minnie, Clarence, Albert, Lonnie, Sharper, Rosie, Willie, Rachel, James, T.C. and T.J.
  • Johnny Hill Sr- married Martha Turner. To this union ten Children were born: Johnny, Jr. Ralph, Eddie, Robert, Bertha, Rosie, Nancy, Feebe, Martha and Eliza
  • Walter Davis Hill, Sr- born in Canton Bend Alabama, married Bessie Bonham. They had thirteen children: Annie Hill-Williams, James, Lucy Hill-Speight, Solomon, Mollie Hill-Howard, Mentho Lee, Matthew, Samuel, Alphonso, Sadie Hill-Jackson, Walter, Jr. and Edward. 
  • Anna Eliza Hill - Madison: married John Madison:  adopted daughter, Leona Madison
  • Magdalene (Maggie) Hill-Bonham- born in 1895 in Alabama. She Married Nathan Bonham. They had eleven children: Eddie, Willie Mae. Nathan, Jr., Ethel, A.C., Magaree, Helen, Earleen,  L.W., Tina Mae and Fred.
  • Robert Hill Jr- married Ella Miller until her death in 1930. Married Fannie until her death in 1976. The two marriages were blessed with sixteen children: Phamalia, Iona, Altheria, Eulalia, Arbra, Rex, Nezaree, Jacree, Olivia, Gloria, Raphael, Vivian, Ann, Mark, Robert and Joseph.
  • Martha Hill-Nettles-born November 3, 1899 in Canton Bend Alabama. Martha married Scrap Nettles. They had 14 children, of which 6 survived to adulthood. They were Mittie Lee N. Marsh, Albert Nettles, Rosia L. Thompson, Curtee Brown, James D. Nettles, and Felix Nettles.
  • Helen Hill - Jones. Married Henry Hones. No offspring.